Wednesday, December 24


WEEEEEE! Look at me! I'm a blog!

First things first, I want to explain the title of my blog.

This is a line from one of my favorite songs. I know, I'm not the most creative or original here. But its a line that I have always identified with.

I want to always feel like part of this was mine...

This, could be many things. Most of the time, regardless of where I am or how I feel, happy, sad, etc, I want to always feel like part of what is going on, was mine. Things seem to change so quickly that what you think is yours, or where you think you belong, could all be different. And soon what you think you know, or should be, would become a part of something, or someone else before you know it.

BTW, whoever can identify what song this quote is from, would be my new best friend. Haha.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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